
Google’s Matt Cutts: Don’t Worry About Poor Grammar In Comments

Jan 10, 2014 at 9:39am ET by 

In today’s video from Google’s Matt Cutts, Cutts addresses the concern over having third-party comments with poor grammar on your blog or site.

Cutts said that you do not need to worry about the grammar people use on your site. You should worry about your writing style and your grammar but there is no need to worry about how other people are writing comments on your site.

He did add that this doesn’t mean you should allow spam comments, you still should remove spam comments. But when it comes to being on top of grammar, you have enough to worry about with content that you write, and you don’t need to worry about what others write.

An example Cutts gave is that YouTube has tons of comments that are poorly written, with horrible grammar and sometimes don’t even make sense. You are judged on your content, not a third-party snippet of content.

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